PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue

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Perfect spot to dine or hang out for lovers and sweet friends. Their location is romantic, their setting was cool, and their staff were all amazing :).
I couldn’t ask for more since I have it all from PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue. A perfect view, accessible location, fair price and fresh seafood. I love everything in here.
My wife and I ate here during our weekend trip at PIC. It was really very romantic. Great place to watch the sunset.
Really romantic sunset barbecue. You get to choose what items you want on your platter, and then you barbecue them on your table grill.
It’s a bit pricey (not too much though), but it is well worth the price for a romantic night out.
Where else can you dine right next to the beautiful Tumon Bay?
I’ve never tasted the food, but I have been there. They have carousels set up right next to Tumon Bay. Very romantic atmosphere.