HotProfile: PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue


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5 Reviews for “PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue Guam”
  1. June 15th, 2011
    Myrrh Says:

    Perfect spot to dine or hang out for lovers and sweet friends. Their location is romantic, their setting was cool, and their staff were all amazing :).

  2. June 15th, 2010
    Basti Says:

    I couldn’t ask for more since I have it all from PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue. A perfect view, accessible location, fair price and fresh seafood. I love everything in here.

  3. May 20th, 2009
    Reilly Says:

    My wife and I ate here during our weekend trip at PIC. It was really very romantic. Great place to watch the sunset.

  4. March 26th, 2009
    Jofes Says:

    Really romantic sunset barbecue. You get to choose what items you want on your platter, and then you barbecue them on your table grill.

    It’s a bit pricey (not too much though), but it is well worth the price for a romantic night out.

    Where else can you dine right next to the beautiful Tumon Bay?

  5. January 29th, 2009
    GuamanianDude Says:

    I’ve never tasted the food, but I have been there. They have carousels set up right next to Tumon Bay. Very romantic atmosphere.

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PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue in Guam. Guam PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue.  Guam nightlife, Guam PIC Sunset Bar & Barbecue | z 8:57 pm | Saturday, December 27, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 22:34 | | 2009, March 10, Tuesday | guam vacation, 20:57 | Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 | 10:34 pm