Tropics BBQ Dinner Show
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202 Hilton Road, Tumon Bay, Guam 96913
I personally had fun dining at Tropics BBQ Dinner Show. After the wonderful meal we had an interesting cultural show and not only that, they ask some of their customers (one was me) to joined them dancing. I was a bit shy at first but everyone was clapping and was cheering up for me so I did. Hahaha. That experience was too memorable!
We had a blast here in Tropics BBQ Dinner Show. From their great food, to nice staff, to an awesome show. Everything seems to be just perfect. It was all worth it.
The show was very fun & entertaining, and they did a lot of audience involvement. However, I think the Fisheye & PIC shows are a lot better.
The Tahitian dancers really looked like they knew what they were doing.
What I liked about this one is that it was smaller and more intimate, and you get an awesome view of Tumon Bay.
I also thought the food & selection were higher quality than the PIC Fantasy Dinner Show.