HotProfile: Fiesta Beachside BBQ and Cultural Show


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4 Reviews for “Fiesta Beachside BBQ and Cultural Show Guam”
  1. August 8th, 2011
    Lanie Valle Says:

    We cooked our own food and it was fun. They had a very nice staff. And the food was very delicious.

  2. June 13th, 2011
    Janice Says:

    I think their price was fair with the food and service that they offer. The show was nice and the staff were mostly cheerful.

  3. June 13th, 2011
    Jerry Says:

    Great views from the restaurant’s patio impressed me. Their food was fresh and hot but not the best that I have tried to. The waitstaff was very skilled and courteous.

  4. April 21st, 2011
    Pamela Says:

    This isn’t the first time I’ve been to Guam, yet I still am not tired of the food they serve here. They always have something new that their customers will look forward in trying on their next visit. Happy eating!

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Fiesta Beachside BBQ and Cultural Show in Guam. Guam Fiesta Beachside BBQ and Cultural Show.  Guam attractions, Guam Fiesta Beachside BBQ and Cultural Show | z 7:58 pm | Saturday, November 1, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 22:33 | | 2009, March 10, Tuesday | guam vacation, 19:58 | Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 | 10:33 pm