La Brasserie
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Western (Main Dining), 150 Seats
The La Brasserie Restaurant features the flavors and aromas of Asian and European cuisine. Feast on a full buffet of wonderful flavors that range from soups & salads, saute & stir-fry and fresh off the grill dishes.
Morning 06:00~10:00 (Last call 09:30)
Lunch 11:00~14:00 (Last call 13:30)
Monday thru Friday Adult $12.00, Child $6.00 + 10% sc
Saturday Lunch, Chinese Cuisine Adult $14.00, Child $7.00 + 10% sc
Sunday Brunch Adult $22.00, Child $11.00 + 10% sc
Dinner 18:00~22:00 (Last call 21:30)
Monday thru Thursday $18.00 + 10% sc
Friday, Korean Japanese Cuisine Adult $20.00, Child 10.00 + 10% sc
Saturday, Chinese Cuisine Adult $22.00 Child $11.00 + 10% sc
Sunday Adult $15.00 Child $8.00 + 10% sc
Ballroom dancing
Tuesday $15.00
Friday $18.00
Reservation: Please send reservation to [email protected].
Thanks to La Brasserie for our wonderful dinner. Keep it up!
I can’t remember having a bad experience with La Brasserie to either their food or their staff. I highly recommend them to everyone.
I have to admit that at first I had been skeptical about dining in La Brasserie. It took me few weeks before I finally went there and give it a try. Every since then, I have dined there for several times and will definitely keep on coming back.
I had my son’s Christening at this restaurant on a Saturday and had 115 guests(adults and children). The environment was great, it was an all you can eat lunch buffet from 11:00am – 2:00pm
($14 for adults/$7 for children/FREE for children below 4 years of age), it was truly affordable… They even provided a table for the gifts and complimentary balloons(30pcs) to be exact. Free ice tea, hot tea, water, and coffee. I would have another party occasion there again.