King’s Restaurant

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I am so with Tara Bear’s statement!“Sometimes service is slow, but I noticed if you smile more and be super extra nice the food comes out faster and they won’t spit on your food. So be nice!”
They are totally slow and customer service sucks!! So today we went for lunch and the food we ordered wasn’t the way we expected. It looks disgusting. We didn’t wanna show but just at least show some respect and ate. When the food was almost finished, my babe found hair in his food. Damn disgusting! We were even more disgusted when we saw that! King’s Restaurant Guam you are so lucky we are not the type of people who are so mean! If we’re other people we’ll spit it out to the whole customers there. Will NEVER EVER go back to Kings Restaurant again!
Quote: “Sometimes service is slow, but I noticed if you smile more and be super extra nice the food comes out faster and they won’t spit on your food. So be nice!”
Slow is an understatement! I was initially going to comment on their lack of speed and attention to customer service, but then you mentioned spitting in the food…I will NEVER eat here again. So sad that King’s is supposed to be the island-style family restaurant and it totally sucks! I had the crepes few years ago, it was thinner than the pancake crepes they serve now “yuck”.
The fiesta plates are the “bomb”. They taste great and have a samplling of almost everything. King’s still has the best Crepes a la Mode!
I love the philicheese steak smothered in cheese and onions with a side of criscut fries. Don’t forget to ask for pika ranch for your fries. Its the best combination for hangovers and best place to sober up since they open 24 hours.
Sometimes service is slow, but I noticed if you smile more and be super extra nice the food comes out faster and they won’t spit on your food. So be nice!