House of Brutus

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HOB is open 7-days a week with various opening and closing hours.
Sun: 8AM-10PM,
Mon-Tues: 7AM-10PM,
Wed-Thu 7AM-12AM,
Fri: 7AM-2AM,
Sat: 8AM-2AM.
Breakfast is served daily, from opening to 10AM.
Lunch is served daily from 11AM to 3PM (select lunch menu offered from 3PM-5PM), and Dinner is served daily from 6PM-10PM (Fondue served until midnight every Wednesday).
Beverages and desserts are served from opening to 10PM daily. Hours may be affected with holidays and special parties, please call 647-0315 for more information.
I would recommend House of Brutus more to young couples or groups of friends that love to eat, drink, and have some fun. This place is a total package for young adults or professionals where they can mingle and meet new faces. We usually hang out here and love their bands!
I visited here from Nevada and I was impressed because I felt just like home. The atmosphere was fun and the music was great. House of Brutus is absolutely a place to visit :).
House of Brutus is a great place to chill out with friends. This is a small place with fun people and good food. I love it here!