Roy’s Restaurant & Lounge

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Euro-Asian cuisine is highlighted by an array of succulent seafood’s, sizzling meats, the irresistible warm chocolate soufflé, and much more. Enjoy your dinner in a relaxing and elegant setting.
- 6pm – 10pm (Nightly)
Thumbs up to Roy’s. Good job from making your customers happy ;).
We went to Roy’s Restaurant last night for a diner. I can’t forget how nice their staff was. The server was more than happy to answer us with our questions and make some suggestions.
This was the most amazing meal I have ever had! The price was all worth it. Their sizzling, tender meats were incredibly tasty. I even forgot the name of our order. Hahaha..funny. 😀 If you ever get the chance to eat at Roy’s Restaurant in Tumon do it. You will not be disappointed.
I am too blessed to be able to try Roy’s Restaurant both in Hawaii and in Guam. I definitely love their food but more was their service. They have the most pleasant and courteous staff all over Guam restaurants I have been to.