Palm Cafe

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(671) 649-9000 ext. 5353
I highly recommend this place! Took the whole family there, and we all were very pleased with everything. Service was excellent from start to end, food was delicious, and there was just about anything you could ask for on their dinner buffet table. They were very pleasant taking down the reservations, and we got exactly what we asked for when we arrived. We were very impressed. Our dinner was NOT rushed, and oh I almost forgot, the entertainment was a big PLUS. We didn’t expect that, nice touch! 🙂 Very friendly atmosphere…will definitely go back. It was well worth the price
Palm Cafe has great views of both the ocean and good people.
We went to Palm Cafe yesterday for a lunch and we’re not disappointed. It is a 5-star restaurant located in Tumon. Everything turned out excellent: from their excellent service to their romantic atmosphere, to the amazing food. It was such a wonderful afternoon. I highly recommend this Restaurant to everyone.^_^
The food was terrific, and the place was elegant. But most surprisingly I was impressed with are there child friendly customer service.