Kentucky Fried Chicken

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Anigua (671) 472-8155
Dededo (671) 637-4532
Mangilao (671) 734-5325
Tamuning (671) 646-6185
Micronesia Mall (671) 633-4565
Well yesterday on the way home from work I went to WENDY’s and they again screwed up my order … I ordered an 1/2 pound hamburger with NO Cheeze! I even asked the order taker “please no cheeze” … I than paid again I asked “Please No Cheeze on my burger” … when I was given my food I asked “No Cheeze On The Burger Right” the girl respond “NO Cheeze Sir”… Well when I got home and sat down to watch TV and enjoy his Wendy’s Hamburger I found that burger had double cheeze the staff of Wendy’s does not listen.
So today I ate dinner at Kentucky Fried Chicken and the service and food was perfect I recommend this eating here !