Cold Stone Creamery

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Way expensive ice-cream. But, overall, Cold Stone creamery is expensive. Try Dolce di Frutti in Tumon. They make their it fresh!
I was very disappointed that my purchase of an Icecream
cake at the GPO outlet on Guam wasn’t what I asked for.
I was told repeatedly it was Red Velvet. only to find out
when we sang Happy Birthday it was a White Cake!
I will tell everyone I know not to Patronize Coldstone due to the Employees who Lie to make a sale!!!
I always went to the Coldstone at the Micro mall.I won’t go there either now! Sad,Sad Service!
Cold Stone is good on occasion. It’s not that impressive. I can get sick of it really fast. I just went there recently and was bored i didn’t get anything.
What happened to the whipped cream that they would ask if i wanted it folded in or on top?
do u guys have a online application site or do we have to get the application from you guys???? beacause i really need a job right now and im liking the way how your compnay looks and so as the job aha
My favorite ice cream joint! They always get my ice cream fusion just the right taste and texture.
I always get the cheesecake ice cream with fresh strawberries and graham crackers drizzled in caramel on crispy waffle cone.
Don’t forget the tip or you won’t get the whole cold stone creamery experience.