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3 Reviews for “Subway Guam”
  1. February 27th, 2011
    foodblogger Says:

    Subway offers Atkins-Friendly Wrap which were an ideal way get a good source of protein and to reduce carbohydrates. Because of this, I highly recommend Subway to vegan or health conscious.

  2. June 20th, 2010
    Steve Says:

    Subway Guam has been out of cucumber for about two weeks. What gives? At least post a sign with an explanation.

  3. January 29th, 2009
    671Honky Says:

    Pretty much the same quality as in the States. The one at Big Navy is the best one though. They don’t skimp on the meat and veggies, and they charge the same prices.

    The one at GPO kind of skimps on toppings.

Subway Guam Phone Number:

Agat - (671) 565-3903
Barrigada - (671) 734-8435
Dededo - (671) 632-1259
Mall, Dededo - (671) 637-2233
UOG Mangilao - (671) 734-8512
Tamuning - (671) 649-5886
Yigo - (671) 653-5188
Tumon - (671) 649-8426
UC Mall, Mangilao - (671) 734-5525

Subway Guam Address:

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Subway in Guam. Guam Subway.  Guam clubs, Guam Subway | z 7:04 pm | Friday, November 21, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 0:40 | | 2009, September 28, Monday | PIC Guam, 19:04 | Monday, September 28th, 2009 | 12:40 am