HotProfile: Skylight Dining Room


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House and lot for sale in Makati City

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3 Reviews for “Skylight Dining Room Guam”
  1. May 30th, 2011
    mestica Says:

    Skylight offers great selection of food but it was a bit expensive for me. On the other hand, they have awesome desserts.

  2. May 5th, 2011
    Bhevs Says:

    This restaurant has plenty of choice on their menu. They have friendly and knowledgeable servers also.

  3. March 27th, 2009
    Tara Bear Says:

    It was my first time at Skylight at PIC. I had to wake up really early because their breakfast ends at 1030. I’m not a morning person so I was dragging myself from the 26th floor of the hotel to the dining room. But right when I got there, my eyes lit up and I was amazed! The place had beautiful view of the ocean and the waterpark. The breakfast buffet was superb. Excellent way to start the day in the paradise.

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Skylight Dining Room in Guam. Guam Skylight Dining Room.  Guam attractions, Guam Skylight Dining Room | z 8:58 pm | Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 2:04 | | 2009, October 4, Sunday | guam vacation, 20:58 | Sunday, October 4th, 2009 | 2:04 am