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5 Reviews for “VeryBerry Guam”
  1. August 1st, 2011
    Naomi Geronimo Says:

    If you like a healthy snack, you should go to VeryBerry. They have a lot of different flavors and toppings to choose from. It’s a good place to hang out in.

  2. June 15th, 2011
    Chance Says:

    VeryBerry offers a healthy option for sweet lovers like me. Good job!

  3. June 6th, 2011
    Camilla Says:

    I just had my yummy and healthy yogurt from Veryberry this morning :D.

  4. August 21st, 2010
    joanniae Says:

    Since this thee only fro yo place on the island, i come to appreciate it. Its pretty good, however, its a little pricey. So many pros and cons. Well, at least I get my yogurt, then I am a happy gal.

  5. January 29th, 2009
    Janice Says:

    This kind of seems like a ripoff of PinkBerry in California. The frozen yogurt is pretty good though. But the atmosphere can’t compete with a real PinkBerry.

    My friends and I were laughing because their sign looks like it reads “OveryBerry”. LOL! Sounds yummy.

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VeryBerry in Guam. Guam VeryBerry.  Guam company, Guam VeryBerry | z 8:22 pm | Monday, November 24, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 20:54 | | 2009, April 1, Wednesday | guam vacation, 20:22 | Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 | 8:54 pm