Taco Bell

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Dededo Mall - (671) 633-8226
Micronesia Mall - (671) 637-4332
Agana - (671) 477-8226
Santa Rita (Sumay) - (671) 565-4255
GPO, Tamuning - (671) 646-1541
Tamuning - (671) 646-6042
I ate here in Taco Bell twice during my 5-day stay. I loved it here because they served fresh and healthy food. Also, their service was prompt so it’s more convenient to many specially to busy people.
We have Taco Bell here in the Philippines too, so I got interested in checking out Taco Bell Guam. I wasn’t disappointed. In fact, the food taste just like in my country.
I loved spicy foods, that’s why one of my favorites was taco bell. Plus it’s healthy and super cheap :D.