HotProfile: Carmen’s Cha Cha Cha


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Cavite townhouse

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3 Reviews for “Carmen’s Cha Cha Cha Guam”
  1. May 9th, 2011
    Nicole Says:

    Not much flavor…very disappointed 🙁 Margarita’s much better!

  2. January 27th, 2011
    Lookin for dat place Says:

    Good portions on the entrees. We’ve been here twice, each time the salsa was different. Not sure if that’s routine or not. The food tasted good. Nothing spectacular, but good. I’ll definitely eat here again. Their customer service is friendly and there is one woman, who on both occasions we dined here was so attentive to the customer’s drinks and offering desserts to order. Our glass was never less than half-full! Nice and hip atmosphere with a live band (not sure which nights).

    All-in-all, I give this place 2 thumbs up.

  3. November 11th, 2009
    ... Says:

    Nice portions… not so much flavors, i want my mouth to explode with flavors when i eat mexican. This doesn’t do it. However, if you want to get full this is your restaurant.

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Carmen’s Cha Cha Cha in Guam. Guam Carmen’s Cha Cha Cha.  Guam holidays, Guam Carmen’s Cha Cha Cha | z 5:32 am | Friday, November 21, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 5:33 | | 2008, November 21, Friday | guam vacation, 5:32 | Friday, November 21st, 2008 | 5:33 am