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Shioti Eurasian Restaurant
At the Tumon Golf Driving Range
Shioti's main lunch is served from 11am-2pm with a light lunch menu from 2-5:30pm.
Dinner hours are from 5:30-9:30pm.
If there is a single thing that I miss whenever I am overseas, that would be the meals I used to have from Shioti. Nothing compares to their warm service, unbeatable price and awesome dishes.
I felt blessed to had have the chance of dining here in Shioti not just once. This place is best on all kinds of Asian food ranging from Japanese to Chinese. I like everything that I tried from here.
This restaurant is a hidden treasure. The staff is very friendly and attentive, the food is delicious and beautifully presented, and the prices are nothing to complain about. The perfect spot for couples or small groups.
Shioti serves authentic Chinese food which I kept me on coming back. Their food was excellent. I so love their bestseller.