Mandarin Restaurant
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They are the first to have it on Guam.
Wow, Mandarin restaurant opened a fruit fry ice in the chamorro village. It’s very healthy and amazingly delicious. They’re located across bank of Hawaii at Chamorro village every Wednesday at Mei Mei’s Fried Ice.
I was craving for Chinese food and stumbled upon this quaint restaurant. Their food was good. The prices were affordable and they had service with a smile. I am definitely going back.
Their prices were reasonable. The service was quick plus it was good and consistent. It was a yummy Chinese food experience overall.
I really like this cute little restaurant. Definitely one of my favorites whenever I’m in the Hagatna area.
Mandarin is pretty good.OMG I just love the honey-walnut shrimp!:D
mandarin moring,mandarin night,mandarin all the time