Jamaican Grill

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Chamorro Village HagÄtña 472-2000
HagÄtña 472-2600
Tumon 647-3000
Tumon 647-4000
I love jamaican grill their food is the best. Every time its my birth day i always have it there but i dont like it when thy sing to me đ
haha jk
but then i took an arrow to a knee. đ
Yum Yum Yum! I love their awesome and good tasting meals here.
The menu was great since it has wide selections of family platters, more combos, and more sides.
Chicken kelaguen salad from Jamaican Grill is always what I’m craving for. OMG! I so missed it now that I am in CA. I hope to flight back soon and visit my favorite restaurant (Jamaican Grill).
The two dishes listed under vegeterain are by far my favorite things to eat on this island. LOVE!!
This place is solid! The service is A+ and the food is excellent! Make sure you ask for seating on their patio specially on a gorgeous sunny day in Tumon. I will definitely come back. I love their BBQ and kelaguen!