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3 Reviews for “Dipstixx Guam”
  1. June 15th, 2011
    Pearl Says:

    This is a very cool and unique idea. The fruit smoothies were really fresh and refreshing. I want more ^_^.

  2. June 6th, 2011
    Nam Says:

    I had a try of this just once and yes, it met my expectations. It was very nice yet not expensive.

  3. January 29th, 2009
    Dave Says:

    This one gets an A+ for originality. This is the only place on Guam where you can get a batter-dipped deep fried candy bar.

    They get a D- for execution. When I went there on a Wednesday evening, they were out of almost everything. That is unacceptable. How hard is it to make sure you stock up on enough Snickers bars? Geez.

    I recommend the deep-fried Snickers bar. I don’t recommend the deep-fried Twinkie. A normal Twinkie tastes better than a deep-fried one.

    I also like their chocolate covered strawberries. However, I don’t think they actually make those. I’m pretty sure the Chocolate House around the corner makes them for them.

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Dipstixx in Guam. Guam Dipstixx.  Guam Travel, Guam Dipstixx | z 5:02 am | Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 22:30 | | 2009, January 13, Tuesday | Guam people, 5:02 | Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 | 10:30 pm