Beard Papa’s
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Cream puff pastry shell is just good, the fillings are awesome (especially the strawberry!), the mango ice shower (mango flavored shaved ice with chunks of mango) is absolutely yummy! Only thing I dislike is that the cream puffs are severely overpriced. I’ll have it on occasion but they’re too expensive to get addicted to.
Yes, I have to agree that this place has the best cream puffs I’ve ever tried.
Very yummy cream puffs! I don’t think I will get use to its taste :D.
Beard Papa’s Guam is just as good as the ones I’ve been to in Hong Kong. I absolutely recommend this place if you haven’t tried it yet!
can they open at micronisan mall………..their cream puffs are the best i ever had!!! really good!!!
Mmmm… i love! Try their mango ice shower. It’s very refreshing! Cream puffs are yum also. Very light pastry and delicious filling!
Creme filling is sweet but not overpowering the crispy light pastry puff. Very yummy with ice-tea.
I really like their ice cream thing. It practically melts in your mouth. It’s not like those carnival ice cone where you get clumps of ice, it’s good stuff. I ate a green tea flavored one with read been stuff on it. Delicious.