Wagaya 88 (Wagaya Hachi Hachi)
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Guam’s Wagaya88 Restaurant is a family-operated Authentic Korean Restaurant with a mission to provide exceptional service and quality food to you our customers.
我家88invites you to come and enjoy a wonderful authentic & great tasting Korean Cuisine in a casual and comfortable dining setting in Tumon, Guam. We offer a diverse menu using the finest quality seafood, meats, & vegetables. When you’re in the Tumon area, stop by Wagaya88 for a wonderful meal.
Guam’s Wagaya 88 Korean Restaurant’s logo is a pagoda-type roof top over the double 8’s (powerful Asian symbolism) with blue streaming looped banners/streams below. The name means “Our Home”, promotes “good health”, “living”, and “happiness”.
純炭火焼肉 我家88
とセットメ ニューを合わせて 約70種類を超える
体に優しい本場韓国料理が 堪能出来ます。
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