Toh-Lee Chinese Restaurant

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Enjoy the amazing view of the South Pacific Ocean from the 16th floor of the hotel, while tasting the genuine Chinese delicacies. The romantic view of the evening sea and the luxurious dinner will truly satisfy you. We hope you will visit Hotel Nikko Guam's Toh-Lee, the restaurant with a view from the highest floor.
Location: Hotel Nikko Guam
Open daily:
Mondays – Fridays 11:30-14:00 (WEEKLY CHINESE LUNCH BUFFET)
Saturdays and Sundays 11:30-14:00 (ALL YOU CAN EAT DIM SUM LUNCH)
Dinner: 18:00-22:00
TOH-LEE BAR: 18:00-23:00
Seating Capacity: 178 seats
For reservation and inquiry: Call 1-671-649-8815
* A 10% service charge will be added to your bill.
Very fresh and yummy tasty food! Great service and fantastic view nothing can compare! We all loves “Toh-Lee” Chinese Restaurant Guam!
Was it at the 16th floor? I thought it was on the 14th floor. Please correct me, it’s been few years when I got there but I can still remember how nice it was to dine in your restaurant. The view of the ocean was fantastic and the Chinese food was fabulous.
It was my first visit here in Toh-Lee Chinese Restaurant last night, and it exceeded all of my expectations. We had such an outstanding dinner. The service was great, and it has the best view I can remember from my whole 2-month stay in Guam. It was a bit pricey but definitely worth the visit.
Fresh and yummy Chinese food plus an awesome view made up our romantic date. Thanks to Toh-Lee Chinese Restaurant for making it possible.