The Mermaid Tavern and Grill

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Not kid friendly. Awful Experience! My wife, 2 year old daughter, and I were having dinner on Wednesday night at 6:00. As we were waiting on our food to come out, my daughter picked up a pepper shaker and started hitting it on the table, we stopped her and took it out of her hands. A couple of minutes later she picked it up again, before we had a chance to react the owner’s wife who was sitting in the table behind us got up and WITHOUT A WORD grabbed it out of our daughter’s hand and went and sat back down. Shocked by this behavior, we got up payed for our drinks and left. As we were leaving the owner tried to stop us by saying “you have to understand we just refinished the tables”. Needless to say we will not be back. I guess it doesn’t really matter since the owner’s wife told us, “I’ve never seen you before,” so I guess it didn’t matter to them. It’s really unfortunate because this was our favorite restaurant, we usually went once a week and have recommended it to all our friends and newcomers to the base. This is not the way you run a business. You could benefit from some customer service training.
My food was good…but it was hummus…pretty hard to mess up. My husband was not happy with his food though. He had the bacon chicken pizza and the bacon was pretty raw and the dough wasn’t cooked the whole way through. He didn’t even eat a slice of it. When the waitress returned she asked to box it up, he said no it wasn’t cooked properly and she just took it away and didn’t even address the issue 🙁 The dining area felt really crowded as well like not enough space between the tables or something. We don’t plan on returning.
They have pretty good Greek food here (for Guam at least). This is like the only Greek restaurant I know of on Guam.
They also have Henry Weinhardt beer on tap (YAY!). Oh, and they are the ONLY Microbrewery I know of on Guam. Pretty good beer.
My only complaints were that the last time I went there the beer on tap was not cold enough. I got their micro-brewed red stout, and a Henry Weinhardt, and both were not chilled enough.
Also, I thought that the servers took a bit too much time to get to our table. I actually had to go over and call one over.
Very polite, and fast food service though. I would go there again. (Just please chill your beer properly).
P.S. This is for the Mermaid management: please serve Gyros for dinner as well. Gyros are the main reason I go there, and sometimes I can’t always make it for lunch.
Awesome microbrewery beer on Tap. Every good sailor will appreciate that. There food is pretty good as well, but honestly I just go for their microbrewed beer on tap. I don’t know of any other microbreweries on Guam.