HotProfile: Thapanee Thai Cusine

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5 Reviews for “Thapanee Thai Cusine Guam”
  1. August 1st, 2011
    Lou Ann Pipes Says:

    It’s a small place and a little out of the way, but all the effort of going there is worth it. I loved every dish we ordered. I’ve never eaten so much in my life! 🙂

  2. June 15th, 2011
    Lynn Says:

    Please help me find this restaurant. Anyone who can tell me how to get here? Or anyone who has Thapanee’s contact number?

  3. May 30th, 2011
    Mistie Says:

    You better have your own car or get a taxi to go here since its too far from most hotel and you would need a long walk. But if that’s the case it would still be worth it because their food were great.

    I hope you can post some photos here of your menu and and restaurant.

  4. April 18th, 2011
    Robert Says:

    They have the most flavorful curry I’ve had in a while. Visit them and try Combo Green Curry. Small place but great food.

  5. December 9th, 2010
    Mckenzy Says:

    This place has been recommended by some friends. The restaurant’s interior was neat and pretty. We ordered our food ‘medium’ spicy, and that’s exactly what they were aside from being tasty too. It was definitely a good recommendation and I would recommend this to my other friends too.

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Thapanee Thai Cusine in Guam. Guam Thapanee Thai Cusine.  hotels Guam, Guam Thapanee Thai Cusine | z 8:51 pm | Monday, November 24, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 20:51 | | 2008, November 24, Monday | guam vacation, 20:51 | Monday, November 24th, 2008 | 8:51 pm