Proa Restaurant

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(671) 646-7762
C’mon Ray. I’m American (white) and have been there everytime I visit Guam. No problems at all. Get out more often…and relax.
Really great food at a decent price. Service was great and the waiting list was very well managed. We were allowed to stick our name on the list and then go down to the beach for 20 minutes while we were waiting. Would go again.
Was told 20 min wait, everyone else- Japanese and locals seated before our group- Americans. 1 hr and 45 mins later I finally left. I actually felt discrimination. I had heard other countries won’t seat Americans, but Guam is American. This was the 2nd time I had tried to eat there during my stay, was told would my not seat due to no reservation the first time.
Agreed. We’ve only been in Guam for a month now, but Proa has quickly made it as our top choice restaurant. We’ve been there 4 times already and have loved absolutely everything we’ve eaten. The food is all fresh and delicious. A particular favorite is the Beggar’s Purse (seen in the video) – unique, exquisite and fabulously tasty. The BBQ has won several awards, and I believe rightfully so. Save room, though, because the desserts are spectacular. To top it all off, the service is probably the best you will find on the whole island of Guam.
Our collective hat is off to Chef and all the staff of Proa.
My favorite restaurant, hands down. Incredible food and affordable too. I haven’t had anything there that wasn’t amazing. The banana fritters are to die for, and the wasabi chocolate is surprisingly delicious. If you are in Guam you absolutely need to go to Proa.