HotProfile: Oishi Corner (American Grocery)

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3 Reviews for “Oishi Corner (American Grocery) Guam”
  1. May 25th, 2011
    Mila Says:

    Oishi Corner is a practical place to visit. They served basic and affordable food. The location is not really hard to find and their staff was kind.

  2. June 15th, 2010
    Wendy Says:

    Oishi Corner can’t be that too accessible if it happens to be your first time to go there, yet it’s a very convenient Asian restaurant to visit.

  3. January 29th, 2009
    Dave Says:

    Tucked in the back of American Grocer. They have a small selection and the prices are low. All I can say is that you get what you pay for here. Simple, cheap food. Nothing fancy. There salads did look a bit old though. It doesn’t take much to turn your fridge up so that the greens don’t get soft.

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Oishi Corner (American Grocery) in Guam. Guam Oishi Corner (American Grocery).  Guam bar, Guam Oishi Corner (American Grocery) | z 5:45 am | Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 5:45 | | 2008, November 25, Tuesday | guam vacation, 5:45 | Tuesday, November 25th, 2008 | 5:45 am