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Chamorro Fusion Bistro
located in Hagatna, j+g building, kitty corner from the paseo
Meskla just exceeded my expectations. Everything seems to be just perfect from the atmosphere, to the food, and the staff. The price was just right for its outstanding service. I would highly recommend this place to anyone.
Guam has hundreds of restaurants all over the island. Yet, eating at Meskla was a good experience because of the great food presentation, nice customer service, and culturally rich Chamorro flavors.
I was invited to dine here by a friend last week. I could say that the food was prepared with so much passion. Meskla is one of my favorites now.
Fancy presentation of food that was pricey but not that tasty. I couldn’t tell the difference between their finadenes tray, which is supposed to feature different styles of finadene, they all tasted the same.