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Submit a QuikReview™ for: McKrauts Guam |
(671) 828-4248
Mc Krauts, The owner is a wonderful host. This is a nice place to chill, dine, relax, toss a beer back, great culture brought to Guam from a far away land. I enjoyed very much. Thank you for sharing the wine!
The best place on this side of Guam!
I love their bratwursts. The service was top-notch. It was a quick and filling meal. The prices were reasonable too.
If you haven’t tried McKrauts then you haven’t been to Malojloj. Tried and tested. Two thumbs up!
Very unique restaurant idea. I think they are the only German restaurant on island. I loved their bratwurst and fries. Really hits the spot. I wish they were up north though so they were easier to get to. I would go more often.