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House and lot Makati

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2 Reviews for “Manhattan Steakhouse Guam”
  1. May 6th, 2011
    Agnes Says:

    I have been to Manhattan Steakhouse many times and have never been disappointed. Their food is spectacular and the price was worth it.

  2. April 21st, 2011
    Stefano Says:

    What a fabulous dinner it was at Manhattan Steakhouse! I highly recommend this restaurant for anyone who loves food, especially steak. Very nice staff, and always ready to attend whenever you need them. 🙂

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Manhattan Steakhouse in Guam. Guam Manhattan Steakhouse.  hotels Guam, Guam Manhattan Steakhouse | z 5:51 am | Wednesday, October 29, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 5:51 | | 2008, October 29, Wednesday | guam vacation, 5:51 | Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 | 5:51 am