HotProfile: Long John Silver’s


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3 Reviews for “Long John Silver’s Guam”
  1. March 2nd, 2011
    KJ Says:

    Long John Silver’s food wasn’t bad at all. I tried many different combinations on different visits, and each selection has been cool.

  2. June 14th, 2010
    Dimples Says:

    Thanks to Long John Silver’s for serving good tasting food in so many options yet it was so cheap.

  3. February 26th, 2009
    Tara Bear Says:

    Talk about greasy fast food. But it satisfies the cravings on those morning hangovers. I love their crispy fried fish sandwich with cole slaw and fries dipped on their tar tar sauce. Yummmmm.

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Long John Silver’s in Guam. Guam Long John Silver’s.  Guam holiday, Guam Long John Silver’s | z 7:06 am | Friday, November 21, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 0:23 | | 2009, January 14, Wednesday | Pacific Islands Club Guam, 7:06 | Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 | 12:23 am