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4 Reviews for “Kyo-bu Guam”
  1. June 13th, 2011
    Jewel Says:

    The food was not bad at all, it was just not usual but still likeable :D.

  2. June 6th, 2011
    Marisse Says:

    Kyo-bu serves a unique tasting pizza which is far way different from a typical American pizza. I am not use to it’s taste but it was cool to try something that is not usual :D.

  3. May 25th, 2011
    Candy Says:

    It taste weird since I am not used to a different kind of pizza aside from the American one’s but I did liked it.

  4. March 26th, 2009
    Jofes Says:

    I remember that pizza!

    I got a tip from a friend that the Japanese have their own weird way of making pizza.

    The best way to describe it is “different”.

    The dough tastes almost like pancake dough, and the toppings are very Asian.

    I still prefer regular American style pizza, but it was a unique experience.

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Kyo-bu in Guam. Guam Kyo-bu.  school in Guam, Guam Kyo-bu | z 1:28 am | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 1:28 | | 2008, November 26, Wednesday | guam vacation, 1:28 | Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 | 1:28 am