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Townhome for sale in Quezon City

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2 Reviews for “Korea Palace Guam”
  1. August 8th, 2011
    Geri Henry Says:

    The place was clean. I wanted to try to go to a cook your own food restaurant and my friend brought me here. It was fun. The service was excellent.

  2. May 3rd, 2011
    Chung Ae Says:

    It was hard to choose from the wide selection of restaurants in Agana area, but we ended up eating at Korean Place. Along with excellent service, they have a delicious (cook your own food) menu. I really had fun cooking with friends without worrying that it might cost us a lot :).

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© 2024
Korea Palace in Guam. Guam Korea Palace.  Guam bands, Guam Korea Palace | z 4:48 am | Friday, November 21, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 0:31 | | 2008, November 26, Wednesday | guam vacation, 4:48 | Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 | 12:31 am