Izakaya by Jimmy
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Izakaya by Jimmy is a new Japanese pub-style restaurant in Guam featuring many types of hot dishes, salad , noodles , set dishes and Japanese drinks like hot sake and everyday special drinks!
In Japan people visit Izakaya style restaurant to share friendship and great food with family, friends and co-workers in a casual atmosphere.
I recommend you to order several dishes to share and feel free to add order during your visit. Usually , guest order throughout there visit and not just at the start. Thats is the Izakaya Style!
And if you feel like singing, this place have a good karaoke system too. So you can enjoy in one place .
This place is right across St. John School, Marine Drive Corp. Upper Tumon.
~ Operation Hours ~
Monday 1730- Midnight
Tuesday 1730- Midnight
Wednesday 1730- Midnight
Thursday 1730- Midnight
Friday 1730- Midnight
Saturday 1800- Midnight
Close on Sunday
Love this restaurant ,, good food & friendly waitstaff.
izakayabyjimmy your the best … Keep the good Job.
Great service , excellent food and relaxing restaurant…
This is the best Japanese restaurant ! Awesome food !
Thank you to Izakaya by Jimmy Japanese Restaurant. We have a pleasant and memorable dining experience here. Izakaya by Jimmy is a casual place where one can find many small dishes from which to sample. In this way, we can try many different food without filling up on one dish. They have an exciting menu and we hope that everyone can try different things when they visit Izakaya and be adventurous in their choices. They offer many exotic and traditional food that you will not find anywhere else and we hope that you can appreciate it too just like us. Their menu items are different from the usual American restaurant. We urge everyone to keep an open mind when trying new food and not be daunted by some of the explanations. Let your taste buds be your guide. Enjoy the Izakaya Style.
Reiko Watanabe
Food was excellent . Delicious!
Service was outstanding and the restaurant was clean.
I love this place and I will forever keep coming back đŸ˜€
Everything is good. I really recommend this to everyone .This was my very first Japanese restaurant in Guam and I can honestly say it’s a winner. I’m holding at 4-stars for now but I’ll be back looking for a 5. Thank you IZakayabyJimmy. Thumbs Up!
IzakayabyJimmy is the place you can eat,drink and relax and family can enjoy.