Island Cuisine
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Steamed Rice
Red Rice
FREE Salad your choice of
Pancit (IC’s Original), Potato Salad
IC’s Fried Chicken
IC’s BBQ Chicken
Kadun Pika
IC’s BBQ Spareribs
IC’s BBQ Pork Chops (s)
IC’s Pepper Pork
Fritada (Pork)
IC’s BBQ Kabobs
IC’s BBQ Short Ribs (s)
TinakTak (Beef)
Smoked Beef
IC’s Pot Roast
Breaded Crab sticks
Shrimp Patties
Chicken Kelaguen (1 Serving per plate)
Shrimp Kelaguen (1 Serving per plate)
inquiring for services for a funeral.
to serve 150 people for morning/lunch on Tueasday, Sept 27,2011.
PLEASE CALL the following numbers urgently:
565-9234 (Home Phone)
997-1047 (Felix Aguigui)
929-7556 (Judy Aguigui)
If you haven’t been to Island Cuisine, you better get there soon. This small restaurant is famous to both locals and tourist because of it’s sumptuous food that are really cheap. I would highly recommend them with no doubt!
I was never expecting that I could find some superb restaurant like Island Cuisine at Chamorro Village.
Island Cuisine totally change my thinking that good food comes from great and fancy hotels or resttaurants only.
I like their teriyaki chicken and bbq meats. But I love their chicken kelaguen, which is the best I’ve tasted in ages.
Great food at a cheap price. These guys make some awesome shrimp kelaguen.
Very good, cheap Chamorro food to go.
I just wish they were open for dinner.
Their recipes are quite possibly the best on the island. You have to try their Tinactac. All in all, you won’t be able to find better Chamorro food for as good a price.
The service is so-so. The ladies are always polite, but there’s this one guy who always seems to be rushing you, and he just seems like he’s generally annoyed to be there.
I put up with it though, because the food is awesome! I don’t go anywhere else when I’m at Chamorro Village.
NOTE: Some of my family have said that their food is too salty for their taste. I personally found it ‘just right’. I don’t like food when there isn’t enough salt cooked into it.