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Hooters Guam Map & Directions
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649-HOOT (4668)
962 Pale San Vitores Road
Acanta Mall, Suite #E-101
Tumon Guam 96913
Hooters is the BOMB!! Its got great food and the eye candy isnt bad either lol
Last Unicorn
Went to eat and They are still closed for “Relocating”
I wanted to eat here but the sign shows they are close while relocating.
I loved their chicken wings here. I don’t know why, but it has a unique taste which was appealing for me.
The Hooter girls were cute, plus the fact that I love their food!
I love their food here in Hooters. It just makes me feel I never went out of US.
It’s fun to be here. All of their stuff sure knows how to please their customers plus their food was really nice. Hooters has big servings that doesn’t cost much.