Hoa Mai

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Hoa Mai Guam Map & Directions
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Harmon - (671) 649-9074
Tumon - (671) 649-0342
Agat - (671) 565-8136
Yigo - (671) 653-4755
I’ve eaten in the Agat Restuarant and the food is great and prices are very reasonable. I just wish they would put a menu on this webpage. It help with to go orders.
I agree, a menu would help!
It might help if the menu was posted.
How much are their food here?
Best fried egg rolls ever! I think its the fishy dipping sauce the makes it even tastier.
I go here for the Lumpia. Big, and super delicious! Make sure to get the full entourage, with lettuce, bean sprouts, noodles, and dipping sauce. So much fun!
One of these days I’ll get around to loading up my pictures on here.