Hard Rock Cafe

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(671) 649-9043
1273 Pale San Vitores Road, Tumon, Guam 96913
Can I booking table for four on saturday night 22 OCT 2011, around 7 pm. Do you have live bands on saturday night and what time will start. Could you send me a menu and price list, please do me a favorites! I want good location watch live bands show. Thanks a lot!stan
I think I have been to a lot of Hard Rock Cafe’s and I love Guam Hard Rock for a couple of reasons:
1.) Great location — right on the heart of Tumon and close to shopping areas and the beach.
2.) The restaurant itself is awesome. The ambiance is fun and lively.
3.) The bartenders are top notch!
4.) Reasonable price, food is always greasy but of course tasty, and service excellence is definitely up there.
5.) I have always enjoyed dining here — you can count on a unique waiter or waitress, loud music, and even coloring changing overhead lights. I also look forward to friday night live bands and dancing.
When I come here I always leave feeling energized and ready to Rock and Roll!
What can I say, every Hard Rock I’ve been to around the world has been awesome.
This one just seems to be a little more awesome because of how big it is inside. The decor inside is pretty creative.
If you’re staying in Tumon, this is definitely one to check out as it is just a walk away from most of the major hotels.