Fuji Ichiban

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Tumon I - (671) 647-4555
Tumon II - (671) 646-4477
Fuji Ichiban Ramen
I heard about this restaurant on so my fiancé and I decided to give it a shot on a Sunday afternoon. They have two stores. One is across the Acanta Mall and the other across Guam Reef Hotel. We went to the one across Acanta Mall in Tumon at about 1:30pm. I was wearing a blue bikini top and a long floral sarong (just typical beach wear). Once we sat down, a waitress (Sharmane I believe is her name) came over and told me , “You need to put some clothes on.” I was surprised why she would say such a thing, so I responded, “What?” and she repeated, “You need to put on your shirt”. I looked at her, and asked, “Why?” she did not answered, and turned around and walked away from us, regardless me saying , “Can you give me a reason for me to put on my shirt ?” My fiancé felt offended, and said, “Let’s get outta here.” I said, “No, I have the right to eat here and to wear what I am wearing.” So we ordered the pork ramen and the spicy pork ramen. By the way, the food was only so-so , but I put on my sweater anyway. We left right after we finished the noodles.
After we went back to the hotel, we discussed about what happened in the restaurant, and decided what the waitress did was inappropriate and we should go back to let the manager know about it. So we went back after half an hour. We asked a waitress at the register to speak to the manager. She asked us if it’s about what happened earlier, we said yes (my fiancé left a note on the credit card receipt). She asked us what exactly happened, we asked, “are you the manager?” she said no. we insisted to talking to the manager. So she went in and talked to a young Asian guy and told us he is the manager. My fiancé told him about our unsatisfying dining experience, and asked if they have a dress code in the restaurant. He did not respond to that; and then we said, “even IF you had a dress code, your waitress needed to be trained to make a request in a polite way, and treat the customers with respect and honor” The young Asian guy doesn’t seem to speak a lot of English. He just said we are so sorry about what happen. We were not sure if we got our message across, so we told him, “can you tell the waitress right now? We need an apology. ” so he went over and talked to that rude waitress. She came over and apologized. And we told her we will never come back to this restaurant again because of the poor service.
chahan, karaage. and my favorite tonkotsu ramen are the best food here ……gyoza would be the second to my list………..(fuji-ichiban the best) as always.
Fuji ichiban used to be my favorite restaurant. Once upon a time they had great customer service and high quality food. Lately it seems that their service is really bad and their portions and quality of food is really bad. Whatever happened to Arnold? He was the best manager there. They should bring him back.
The food is Great especially the Curry Ramen which they seem to always be out of, you would think that since they have a high demand they would order enough that they won’t be out for weeks at a time…but Nooo that’s doing too much. The service when you get it it is TERRIBLE..Good food though
I have to disagree with “Crometooth”. The service is bad for ALL depending on who the server is.
It can also be good for ALL depending on who the server is.
Most of the workers here are Filipino expatriates, who do not consider themselves local.
Service is terrible (unless your a local). Two in Guam, then one at the top of the is way worse then the other one. Don’t know why. Other then that, it’s quite good.
the number one ramen on guam;;;;;;;;;;;
ramen bit too oily for me. fried rice is too inconsistent. but I wish they clean their bathroom more often. kitchen is also too gross to be open kitchen.
Chicken karaage and unsweetened ice-tea (not Nestea, thank goodness) are good. However, ramen is too oily and sometimes too salty for my taste.
The best Ramen joint on the island! The Tonkotsu Ramen is always on top of my list but all the others are good too. Here’s a local tip:
Use Gyoza sauce and Yani Jan for Karaage (fried chicken) and Chahan (fried rice). Yummm!!!