FishEye Polynesian Dinner Show
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[…] FishEye Polynesian Dinner Show Guam | FishEye Polynesian … […]
Me and my wife came here for our anniversary celebration. I should say that their service was probably the best we have ever experienced.
Wow! I loved this place. From their food, to their cultural show, to their nice staff. It was all work my time and money.
Great show….
I am from Guam, lived here all my life- thought the show was very entertaining- and as for the dinner-
enjoyed the seafood/
I recommend this dinner show to both visitors and the local people of GUAM…
well worth $$$
This is the 2nd best show on Guam (After PIC’s Polynesian show). However, I would recommend both to anyone who asked.
Whereas PIC’s show blinds you with size and presentation, Fisheye’s focuses on skill.
Much better dancing, better food (if you like seafood), and their fire acrobatics just seem more exciting.
Unfortunately, they don’t have the amazing backdrop of PIC Water Park, but if you are just going for the show, then Fisheye’s Polynesian show is totally a good choice.