HotProfile: Dolce Frutti


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4 Reviews for “Dolce Frutti Guam”
  1. June 15th, 2011
    Iris Says:

    Gelato, gelato, gelato! All I want is you. Dolce Frutti Guam I love you!

    From Iris of UK

  2. February 18th, 2011
    ASHLEE Says:

    I have been here three times on my 2 weeks stay in Guam. I loved this charming and clean store. Their ambiance was so refreshing and cozy plus I loved their Gelato!

  3. June 6th, 2010
    Archi Says:

    Dolce Fruitti was one of the best Gelato I have tried so far.

  4. January 29th, 2009
    671Honky Says:

    Doesn’t taste like real Gelato from Italy, but outside of Europe, this is the closest you are going to get I think. I would recommend it to a friend, and take them there.

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Dolce Frutti in Guam. Guam Dolce Frutti.  guam holiday resort, Guam Dolce Frutti | z 12:55 am | Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | HotGuam-Food | 20:50 | | 2009, April 1, Wednesday | guam vacation, 0:55 | Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 | 8:50 pm