Charley’s Steakery

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I agree with Jofes.
Their food is horrible! Having tasted their food in Hawaii, I know this is not how it should taste. Here on Guam, their bread was dry and hard. The toppings weren’t great either. I won’t eat here again…and I wished I did go next door to Subway after tasting their food here. Their customer service was lacking as well. The guy who cooked our food on the griddle reeked of sweat, making me wonder if my food/this place was clean.
The food here is pretty low quality. The “steak” tastes like micro-waved junk.
The toppings are pretty lame. Overall, it’s just not that good. I would rather go to Subway and get a steak sandwich there.
This place should be closing down soon, as there food is just not that good.