Calvi House

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(671) 646-6678
Calvi House would be a good place to dine in because
i was just there last month and there food there are very tasty
The calvi is very good espically when you mix it with there green onion which they call it pajori there bibimbab is also just like fried rice
but very good..
Calvi House restaurant is wonderful. Their staff is very friendly and polite. The service was excellent. The food was amazing. If you like Korean food, this is a great place to dine. ^_^
They say that Calvi House is Guam’s “Premier Korean Barbecue Restaurant” which I agree with.
I can say that it is definitely a step beyond the tradition and something that you would’t really expect.
I was at Calvi House many years ago. I was absolutely impressed with their secluded, upscale atmosphere and tasty food. I just wish I return to Guam and eat in here again.