Cafe Havana
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Cafe Havana is one of the few places that I wouldn’t surely forget for a while after our visit at Guam.
It has so much to offer from breakfast to dinner, from sweet desserts, from Cuban dishes, to Japanese.
The place was outstanding for me. It’s interiors and the whole setting was elegant and neat.
No doubt one of those places that one must visit.
Super like! I loved Cafe Havana ever since I first visited the place last December 2009. Visit here for a unique Cuban experience with an amazing food and classy vibe.
I went here this time not to just eat but to see the live band straight from the Philippines. My friend told me that they were great. But for me, they were excellent.
I’ve been in Cafe Havana Manila so I have high hopes for this one in Guam.
And I was not disappointed. The place was cozy, big and elegant in top their food was fabulous.