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3 Reviews for “Merloj Guam”
  1. July 19th, 2011
    HappyFeet Says:

    I like their vegetable salad but they could use a little less dressing. What I love are the mouthwatering bread rolls. They could really keep serving that.

  2. June 19th, 2011
    Jamie Says:

    Really great setting, they need to restaff however. Last time we were there it was a good 15 minutes before anyone had asked our drinks, the lunch buffet has a great atmosphere but the quality of the food is pretty low. I think the only think i enjoyed were the bread rolls and chocolate fountain. Ill think THRICE about eating there again.

  3. February 21st, 2010
    MSchenk Says:

    I was part of a group of 13 people who went to Merloj for dinner in February 2010. We were all disappointed. The food is okay, although over-priced. The service was the worst I have ever experienced in my life. We were there half an hour before anyone took our order. Several items on the menu were no longer available. From the time we ordered, we had to wait more than an hour for the food to arrive. The two people who ordered chicken were told they were out of chicken only after everyone started to receive their food. Maybe we went on an off night, but if you don’t want to risk embarrasment or disappointment, you should probably avoid Merloj.

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Merloj in Guam. Guam Merloj.  Guam products, Guam Merloj | z 5:34 am | Tuesday, October 27, 2009 | HotGuam-Food | 5:43 | | 2009, October 27, Tuesday | guam vacation, 5:34 | Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 | 5:43 am