Pizza Hut

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Barrigada - (671) 734-0001
Dededo - (671) 632-4222
Agana - (671) 477-7716
Agat - (671) 565-3351
Tamuning - 671-646-9227
Agat pizza hut is terrible. Deliveries late, order partial and this is the second time in a row.manager blames on thw only delivery driver they have and takes no responsibility. This pizza hut sucks. GO PAPA JOHNS!
hi guys miss you all specialy Mr. danilo my great GMS lol and all my original asst manager specially pizza hut tammung menus I like tammuning menus that here in new York i miss the most is how tammuning pizza the crust are good and the friendly to the costomer
I have no idea how or why this has turned into a discussion of the military. All I want is an online menu! Why is it so hard to find a restaurant on Guam that knows or cares anything about the internet? It’s 2013! It’s next to impossible to find any information outside of a phone number for most places on Guam and when you do, it’s often hopelessly outdated. The internet revolutionized the business model… at least 13 YEARS AGO!
I guess people are still too worried about that whole Y2K thing to get on their iMac g3 and get connected to their Talaya 2000 account and set up an Angelfire website.
Terrible service from Tamuning location. A simple order of pasta and pizza and yet they forget the breadsticks. A female supervisor then says “We can deliver the breadsticks IN AN HOUR if you still want them. We used to get something for free on our next order as compensation but not this time. Thankfully there’s Dominoes.
I agree 100% with Mr. Wisdom. I was just looking for comments about Pizza Hut Guam and holiday specials. After reading Jen and Kat exchange blows, I thought I was reading a Paqiao and Marquez fight. I even forgot what I was looking for. Oh yeah, pizza… Happy Holidays.
To Kat…
I don’t understand why you talking about history when we’re just talking about pizza. And to let you know I’m Chamorro!!! from the beautiful island of Guam. Why don’t you say, you hate military…and think we are being protected by the U.S. to let you know…and where do you think people who want to join and get the benefits from the military are going?? if you didn’t know its to the mainland!!! So basically we are being helped from people from the mainland and also internationally…So think twice before you talk about history because Guam would have never had any expansion or opportunity to get out of history without the U.S.
To Kat…
First of all your an embarassment to a franchise if you are cheating people with your prices. Maybe Kat, you work for Pizza Hut that’s why…and to let you know I’ve lived in Guam for about 25 years and i’m not in the military…also to let you know i started this discussion in the first place, and i have been eating pizza from Pizza Hut for 20 years and have seen their price increase and services…Also when you want to have a successful business #1 Customer Service #2 the price has to match people’s income #3 location…Pizza Hut is no different from Mcdonalds and look at the price difference….I can buy 20 burgers instead of 1 medium pizza from Pizza Hut…and if you really want to know that the price in Guam is ridiculous, check the Pizza Hut franchise yourself and they would be shocked too…
To Kat…
First of all your an embarassment to a franchise if you are cheating people with your prices. Maybe Kat, you work for Pizza Hut that’s why…and to let you know I’ve lived in Guam for about 25 years and i’m not in the military…also to let you know i started this discussion in the first place, and i have been eating pizza from Pizza Hut for 20 years and have seen their price increase and services…Also when you want to have a successful business #1 Customer Service #2 the price has to match people’s income #3 location…Pizza Hut is no different from Mcdonalds and look at the price difference….I can buy 20 burgers instead of 1 medium pizza from Pizza Hut…and if you really want to know that the price in Guam is ridiculous, check the Pizza Hut franchise yourself and they would be shocked to…
Wow….just wow. I was only looking for online ordering and stumbled onto this amazing discourse. I usually don’t even comment on silly stuff on the internet but I have a very unique perspective that should help out a bit. I am in the military…and white…and married to a local. I have been around the world doing this job for 17 years, and it seems that young military people just seem to ignorantly feel that everything should be just like it is in their home town. Are you serious that trifle?
Yes, the prices are bad. Do you think importing almost every ingredient is cheap? I guess you believe that tomatoes grow a plenty here and that the abundance of cows you see make the cheese easy to get and keep fresh. Do you know anything about real estate, and how much it must cost to rent a place on a small island? I guess the specialized ovens they had to buy must have been made right here on island somehow in a factory there is no room to build so no import tax or high prices on that for the owner right? Basically every single part of that store had to be shipped here, so there is probably a lot of overhead that the owner has to re-coop. Oh, and maybe the dominos has been open longer so they are more stable? I don’t know. I am not making excuses for poor business practices, just trying to clue a few obviously blind people in.
Then there are employees. Have you ever worked at a fast food restaurant? So no offense to anyone working in the service industry, I used to work at one myself. However, the stereotypical fast food joint is staffed at minimum wage by people who could not quite find work elsewhere, or are young and just as ignorant on life lessons as someone making posts on here. Some of them might not give a crap about their job.
Oh, and there are plenty of crappy pizza huts and other bad restaurants in the US. You apparently have been blessed until now. Oh, and speaking of blessed, go enjoy the beauty of this island, the beaches, unreal scuba diving and the fiestas, and stop concentrating on the negative. Yes there are some people here that suck, or are just plain slow at life. There are also country bumpkins and other people that suck in EVERY state in the US, so if you think a local is just ignorant because they are local…guess what; you are one of aforementioned people.
Lastly, I can’t imagine why locals would dislike white people…look at the ignorant way in which white people act toward this tropical paradise. If a bunch of idiots showed up to my home town and decided to walk around complaining all day and spouting stupidity I am pretty sure we would have kicked their @$$, screwed up an order and spit in their food. You know many of the locals here have ancestors thought fought for the US in the war, and yes Japan was jacking this place up, but as mentioned it was because we were here using the amazing strategic spot. Stop being part of the problem and perpetuating the malcontent! I am pretty sure you mother would be ashamed of you if she saw how you act.
PS – I will not waste my time checking this site again for a retort. Have a great life.
kat, of course Japan wouldnt attack its own territory. why would they want to do that? and Japan attacked Guam because they wanted to expand their territory so that they wont be threatened by aerial assaults.
Jen, did you know that the only reason why Guam was attacked by the Japanese was because it was under American rule, as opposed to the rest of Micronesia which was under Japanese rule as a result of World War I?
By the way Jen, Guam has asked for independence before, but Congress always simply disregarded it. For whatever reason, your government wants to keep Guam, but it doesn’t want to recognize the people of Guam. Did you know that the people of Guam are not completely entitled to the rights promised in the constitution? They are only entitled to whatever Congress allows.
Perhaps, Jen, you should take a History class that is less indoctrinated.
Kat-Here is your quick history lesson! The Japanese raped and enslaved the Guam people– who got freed by the Americans. I guess we should give your island back to the Japanese and help the deficit, since Guam adds to the economical strain instead of helps!
I am a local from Guam, and I would just like to comment on how funny it is that all the complaints below seem to be from the military personnel that are from the mainland US. I understand that not everything on Guam is priced the same way you would find it in the US, but have any of you ever stopped to question why that is? Do any of you even know what Guam is in relation to the mainland? We’re not even an incorporated territory of the US, and we’re not even guaranteed the rights normal citizens of the United States are promised under the constitution. So, obviously when it comes to tax on Guam, we’re not even aware of the degree of the tax because it is “hidden”. So, I believe that your discontent with the price of pizza is misdirected.
As to the quality of service that you are often exposed to, I apologize, for that you do have some basis to complain. However, please consider taking a Guam History class at the University of Guam in order to understand why so many locals despise “white people”.
Big Franchise company on Guam lacks big time on the customer centric focus that Pizz Hut in the U.S has. Why is there no online ordering capability on Guam? Online ordering is a big covenience and Pizza Hut, GU doesnt do that.
The real phone number for the Tumaning Pizza Hut is 671-646-9227.
You all need to just calm down.
Pizza Hut pizza is not bad, and is very unique. It’s a different-style of pizza that you can’t get at any other restaurant. Even in the mainland US we always found ourselves craving the deep-dish, crunchy-style of pizza.
However, I do have to agree that Pizza Hut on Guam is over-priced. Domino’s in Guam is much cheaper. The managers better take notice and start making their prices more fair, or Guam Pizza Huts are going to get a bad reputation.
Think about it:
– cheese
– water
– tomato sauce
– flour
– minimal toppings.
Over $20 per Large pizza! This is absurd, and is pure price-gouging.
At the most, including labor, power & operational costs, each pizza probably only costs about $3 to make. So that means they are making over $17 profit per pizza.
Meanwhile in the US (just came from there), a large pizza goes for $9.99 during their special sales, and about $12.99 regularly. I understand things just cost more on Guam, but over 100% more? C’mon, we’re not buying it.
So stop price-gouging Pizza Hut Guam. Your greed will lead to your downfall.
I HATE Pizza Hut’s Pizza, I am from WA state and we NEVER order pizza from Pizza is GENERIC pizza!!! It’s just too bad that the island doesn’t have much options when it comes to pizza…Alphy’s Pizza, Pappa John’s and Pappa Murphy’s are great pizza…Pizza Hut should follow suit. Even That other pizza place in Kmart is gross!!! Another GENERIC pizza!!!
What a scam. Bad service. Their supreme pizza doesn’t even have all the ingredients its supposed to. You have to ask for napkins, pepper, and parmesean cheese. I’m sick and tired of the way military are treated on Guam and tell everybody just eat on base. At least your complaints are heard.
Wow I’m in the military also but I will not be eating at pizza hut anymore.
I’m in the Military and I have been away from my family for 3 yrs. ever since I have been here In Guam, I have been getting taken advantage of money because I’m so young. Can I not just have the correct order from a food place here in Guam? I order $32.00 worth of food from Pizza Hut today and they forgot my order of bread sticks. I called right after I received the order to tell them, But the manager said they cannot redeliver because the bread sticks is worth less than $12.00. Then the manager said we could order another $15.00 worth of food….Is this a scam that pizza hut tells people. I even tipped the delivery guy. I work at the hospital working over time to save peoples lives, but I cant have my bread sticks delivered on THIER mistake of forgetting. This makes me sick thinking of how much I help people out but in return I receive this selfish act. I live right down the road from pizza hut. How much gas is really used? The military is known for ordering pizza, But I will be sure to pass down my fellow shipmates who are here on this island by themselves trying not to get scam that our Favorite place to eat ” The Islands best” PIZZA HUT is a scam.
Wow!!! just called Pizza Hut today and the prices are so ridiculous…1 medium meatlover pizza for $24.99.
I know that pizza is good but compare to the price, its not that~ good. In the states its going for $10.00 for pizza and it tastes better than Guam. Pizza Hut should really think about this and for a couple to have some pizza and pasta mind as well go to Capriciossa!!!
Guam’s Pizza Hut are so much pricier than the Pizza Huts in the U.S. mainland! When you see a Pizza Hut commercial on the television, marketing a stuffed crust pizza for $10.99, it shows up as $16.99 here on Guam.