King’s Quonset Hut

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King’s Quonset Hut serves great BBQ given that it was not cooked on a typical BBQ pit. It is still a good alternative from the barbeque’s at Chamarro Village on a reasonable price.
King’s Quonset Hut was not hard to find. Their place was petite yet neat and their prices was reasonable.
Pretty good Chamorro food to go. It doesn’t taste as ‘home-cooked’ as the food stands in Chamorro Village though.
I like that their prices are good, and that it’s so easy to pop-in, and pop-out with a dish. It’s centrally located at GPO so that makes things easier.
The chef there seemed very interested in how his dishes could be improved, so I think that they will get it right soon.
I’m not sure how they are going to rival the BBQ at Chamorro Village though. You need an open flame BBQ pit to get that kind of flavor.